
Kenya AA FAQ

Kenya AA FAQ / Wash Process

Cupping Note : Flowerly, Citric, Passion fruit, Berry, Dried fruit, Spicy complex flavor, Very clean acidity and sweetness.

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Kenya AA FAQ
Kenya AA FAQ

Kenya is well known for its highly organized network of coffee cooperatives. This system produces remarkable consistency in growing methods, milling, and auctioning across a web of about 150,000 growers, the majority of which are small-scale farmers. The topography of high-altitude plateaus in major Kenyan coffee regions combined with acidic soil provides excellent growing conditions for Arabica.

Cupping Note: Flowery, Citric, Passion fruit, Berry, Dried fruit, Spicy complex flavor, Very clean acidity and sweetness.

  • Niche Coffee Roasters will be roasted on Wednesdays and delivery the next day. Please place your order in advance on Tuesday. Thank You.
  • เพือความสดใหม่ของสินค้า ปิดรับออเดอร์ภายในวันพฤหัสและจัดส่งภายในวันศุกร์

Top Quality or Plus

  • Only a minimal amount of slight defects allowed as long as no effect on the cup. Typically grown at 4500 - 6000 ft above sea level, of SL-34 variety. Very high-quality coffees often derive from small co-ops and mey be auctioned as separate lots.

Pair to Average Quality "FAQ"

  • Occasional minor defects (insect damage, pulper) as long as no effect on the cup. Typically 3500-4500 ft abovve sea level, of SL-28 variety. FAQ consists mostly of coffee from the large estates.
สายพันธุ์กาแฟ SL28, SL34
กระบวนการแปรรูป กระบวนการผลิตแบบเปียก
Tasting Notes Flowerly, Citric, Passion fruit, Berry, Dried fruit, Spicy complex flavor, Very clean acidity and sweetness.
กลิ่นรส เบอร์รี่
เลือกจำนวนชิ้น 1 ซอง
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